Elevate your coaching skills with our professional training program designed for coaches seeking to expand their expertise in the realms of Shadow Work and Embodiment.

Learn all about how Shadow Alchemy can double your impact and income here:

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You’re a coach, or mentor who has already made significant progress on your path of personal growth and in helping your clients achieve their goals.

You’re someone who has a deep thirst for knowledge, and your natural drive to support others in their transformative journeys is what keeps you moving forward.

And you know that now, it’s time to dive even deeper - because you understand that the key to business growth is closely linked to the depth of mastery you bring to your work. 

You know that as your mastery deepens, it directly influences your clients' results, establishes you as the go-to coach in your niche, and ensures that your current clients keep returning for more


This leads to improved client retention, more referrals, and a sustainable, thriving business that keeps growing exponentially, all without the need for costly, time-consuming, and often unethical, marketing strategies that yield short-term results.

to become a true master of authentic coaching and healing, and learn to guide your clients through profound transformations, while addressing shadows and trauma with a safe and holistic approach..

The Shadow Alchemy Certification is designed for individuals like you, who are deeply committed to their craft.

This certification provides you with a comprehensive toolkit for guiding both yourself and your clients through emotional pain, desire, and self-exploration that leads to inner wholeness and goal achievement. It also offers a firsthand transformative experience for you to deepen your mastery.


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YOU, your clients and your business:

Here’s some of the benefits of Shadow Alchemy FOR 


Eliminate imposter syndrome and step into the authority and leadership needed in your niche.

Increase your income by alchemizing money and visibility blocks.

Create bigger and more sustainable transformations for your clients and easily scale your business through increased retention and referrals.

Dissolve patterns of perfectionism, procrastination and fear that holds you back from the business and success you desire.

Heal self-judgment that stops you from being an extraordinary coach.











Shadow Alchemy Coaching

 Here’s some of the results clients have received through


Before Ash started with her Shadow Alchemy Coach she was:

  • Working 60+ hours in a corporate job and extremely burnt out, but felt terrified to leave
  • Had a poor social life and felt unable to connect deeply with other people. 
  • Had a poor relationship with her food and body which led to binge/restrict cycles.
  • Consistently numbed out with drugs and alcohol.
  • Felt stuck in a relationship with an emotional abusive man because she believed she needed a man to be happy. 
  • Was unable to save money because she would compulsively spend her money with online shopping. 
  • Deeply afraid of confrontation, so would just ghost people instead of setting boundaries or speaking up for her needs.
  • Her self worth was depender on her career/finances/relationship and weight.

MEET ASH (after)

Meet Ash (before)

Meet ZOE (before)

MEET ZOE (after)


After Shadow Alchemy Coaching Ash achieved:

  • She quit her corporate job and started her own consulting business so she could choose her work hours and honour her energy.
  • Learned to lean into hard conversations and boundary setting.
  • Created deep connections with healthy and safe humans who respected her boundaries.
  • Became really happy in her own company and was able to let go of her toxic relationship.
  • Healed her relationship with money, quit compulsive shopping and saved 20k.
  • Knows her self-worth is about how she feels about herself, and is not measured by career, finances, relationship, weight or men.

MEET ASH (after)

Meet Ash (before)

Meet ZOE (before)

MEET ZOE (after)


Before Zoe started with her Shadow Alchemy coach she was:

  • Struggling with binge drinking and felt unable to stop.
  • Struggling to create consistent healthy habits and found herself eating unhealthy food and not exercising no matter how many times she tried to start.
  • Was financially dependent on husband because she could only work part time due to her 3 kids.
  • Felt she had lost her identity and confidence through becoming a mum and just didn’t know who she was or what she wanted any more. 
  • Consistently put everyone else before herself and believed they deserved help before she did.
  • Wanted to live in ‘alignment’ but had no idea what that meant.
  • Was terrified to even get on the first zoom call to even discuss coaching

MEET ZOE (after)

Meet ZOE (before)

MEET ASH (after)

Meet Ash (before)


After Shadow Alchemy Coaching Zoe achieved:

  • Found her vision and defined her alignment.
  • Created a business that she could run from home and tripled her yearly income within 2 months and is no longer dependent on husband.
  • Hired an assistant to help run the business so she could spend more time offline and with the kids.
  • Stopped binge drinking.
  • Has regular self-care habits and consistently makes time and space for herself.
  • Effortlessly does IG stories, FB lives and puts herself out there publicly.
  • Sets boundaries and asks for her.

MEET ZOE (after)

Meet ZOE (before)

MEET ASH (after)

Meet Ash (before)

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Shadow Alchemy Coaching

Here’s some of the other results clients have achieved through

Scaled their businesses from 5k/month to 20k/month with ease.

Let go of anger, hate and resentment towards themselves and others that had been stored for over 20 years.

Healed core wounds around unworthiness, learned to set boundaries and walked away from a 15 year domestic violent relationship.

Stopped hating and punishing their body through food and exercise and learned how to nourish and cherish themselves.

Quit seeking validation through men, sex and drinking and now seeks internal validation.

Created a deeper mind, body, heart and spirit connection that helps guide them and make aligned decisions from.

Learned to forgive themselves and past mistakes which allowed them to release shame and guilt.

Created deep self trust that allows them to take bigger risks.

Just to name a few..

This potent healing method is grounded, embodied, and highly effective.

Shadow Alchemy is an innovative and integrative coaching style that blends shadow work and embodiment, empowering you to lead your clients on a journey into their body, nervous system and unconscious. From here, they can unravel, heal, and transform patterns of unworthiness, self-sabotage, and fear into their own power, purpose, and pleasure.

This is what’s possible with Shadow Alchemy.


A sneak peak 

Inside the Shadow Alchemy Certification you will..

Acquire the essential skills to hold individuals in a trauma-informed manner, empowering them to release frozen tension and integrate shadows, which often underlie the obstacles they face in their business and personal lives.


Learn how to stabilize your clients' nervous systems, creating a strong sense of safety as they pursue their goals. This approach is customized to align their bodies and minds with the path of growth and expansion, ensuring their nervous systems are fully on board.


Participate in a 3-day experiential learning journey where you will undergo profound personal transformation that will allow you to step into professional mastery.


Deeply embody this knowledge, moving beyond just learning theory. Throughout the 12 months, you'll be able to ask questions tailored to your unique clients and programs, receive thorough feedback to elevate your expertise, participate in live practice sessions with peers, and engage in group coaching sessions.


Start your own shadow work journey, enabling you to experience the benefits of this methodology in both your professional endeavors and personal life. This firsthand experience will better prepare you to support others in your community as they start on similar transformative paths.


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What previous Shadow Alchemy Certification students are saying:

I have no words for what I experienced during the Shadow Alchemy Certification. My life has absolutely, wholeheartedly transformed. Not only has Caitlin provided a comprehensive, in-depth articulation of shadow work theory, processes and examples, she so beautifully and compassionately guided us on our own transformative journeys during the 3 day immersion experience.

This immersion experience was completely life changing and I cannot even count the amount of earth-shattering breakthroughs I experienced. The container was the safest container I have ever experienced; which I shared with the most inspiring, courageous, and compassionate women.

Caitlin embodies the duality of life. She is both warm and nurturing and direct and honest. She knows when to compassionately guide you but also when to give you the subtle push you need to evolve.

She is a reflection of graceful leadership and is creating such transformational impact in this world.

Shadow Work Certification is a must for all coaches and more importantly all humans. It has not only created a major transformation for me, but also my clients. It is everything this world needs to achieve wholeness.

Thank you Caitlin, from the bottom of my heart

Emily Leadbetter,

High performance coach & Affiliate Marketer 

Shadow Alchemy was everything I have been looking for and so much more.

Prior to this certification I kept feeling like something was missing. Whilst I was able to drop in with clients and uncover what was going on, the same patterns kept repeating. 

This certification provided me with that missing link. It allowed me to deepen my understanding of trauma on a physiological level and learn the embodiment processes to close trauma loops rather than just intellectually bypassing.

This space provided me an opportunity to connect with other women and level TF up. It stretched me wide open. 

Caitlin is such a beautiful mix of support and nurture, whilst also being unafraid to ask the tough questions and challenge you.

I cannot wait to start using these new processes with my clients to help their find peace, freedom and expansion.

Thank you so much for everything Caitlin. 

I highly recommend any coach wanting more for themselves and their clients to do this certification. Run! Don't walk

Marika Unger,

Womens Confidence Coach

Shadow Alchemy Certification is a beautiful blend of incredibly well written theoretical components and an immersive experience allowing participants to experience shadow work first hand and journey to their own edges.

Caitlin brings the goods on both fronts - I have felt so safe and held in her container and that all parts of me have been truly welcomed and that is testament to Caitlins' incredible knowledge and skills and her unwavering capacity to hold space as a leader and teacher, as well as her willingness to be real and show up in her own rawness standing as an example of someone who truly embodies this work.

One of the main draws for me to join Shadow Alchemy was that it provided an experiential opportunity to travel to our edges and it did not disappoint.

Shadow Alchemy has helped me bring into full awareness parts of myself that have been niggling at the edges, parts of me that until now I didn't realize were holding me captive and preventing me from shining in my full potential. I truly feel such a personal shift and know that this certification is going to bring such depth to my work as a Counsellor & Coach. 

Knowing first hand the transformations that can take place, I cannot wait to bring this work to my clients and watch the magic unfold

Kelly Bagshaw,

Counsellor and Relationship Coach

Shadow Alchemy was everything I expected it to be and nothing like I imagined. I knew I would be pushed to my edges and stretched so far beyond my current capacity, but I didn't know how gentle and warm that experience would actually end up.

Being a student of Caitlin's has been an honour and privilege to experience. From witnessing idea to creation of Alchemy, Caitlin's legacy is woven so deeply into this work with a level of love and heart that you need to experience. 

From the resources to the ongoing support, unparalleled. 

Caitlin has an ability to meet you where you're at but also know when to move and how to do it so beautifully. 

Thank you for facilitating the growth and expansion I was craving.

Rochene Hawley,

Gym owner and business mentor.

Joining Shadow Alchemy has been the best decision I've made for myself and my business in a long long time. 

Caitlin delivers the learnings in such a simple and easy to digest way, and the 3 day Immersion took this to a whole new level! Aside from incredible coaching from Caitlin which was an honour to witness, there were beautiful connections, deeper learnings, witnessing of transformations and experiencing my own. 

Not only did I get what I'd hoped for but so so much more. It broke me open and uncovered a part of me I'd hidden away for a long time.

I was trained in mindset and NLP prior to joining but this certification adds a depth to my coaching I've been seeking. I cannot wait to bring Shadow Work to my clients and community.

Thank you Caitlin you're an incredible Coach, Teacher and Mentor

Kaia Hunter,

Confidence Coach for women 45+

I've always questioned people who say they've had this overnight "awakening", but now I get it. After just 3 days doing the Shadow Alchemy I feel free. 

The training was truly the toughest yet most expansive experience of my life.

I've learnt that the more I can just speak my thoughts and just be, the less control they'll have over me. And the more I can experience, the more I can help change my clients' world too. 

Caitlin is a one in a million coach and the experience wouldn't have been what it was without her powerful impact, along with all the other amazing women who joined. If you're wanting to transform both your internal world and your clients, don't think twice about joining this training... and buckle in.

Anna-Maia Eustance,

Womens Fitness & Empowerment Coach

This program is like no other! It has been a really safe space to move through the emotionally heavy things I was experiencing, that may have been in the way of me holding an equally safe space for my future clients. It's challenged me to grow and stretch out of my comfort zone.

Caitlin is a natural teacher! And her teachings and processes are an incredible way to go deeper with clients whilst being trauma informed and creating a safe space to move through any present emotion.

Rebecca Diekman,

Anxiety & Expansion Coach 

The Shadow Alchemy Certification offers an unparalleled experience that goes beyond professional growth; it's a transformative journey that will shape not only your professional identity but also your personal evolution as a leader and entrepreneur. It will profoundly influence how you express your work in the world, leaving a legacy that extends far beyond the ordinary.

Mastering the intricacies of the shadow and embodiment in your work and applying this knowledge to both your clients and your distinct practice will elevate your thought leadership, setting you apart as a rare expert in this field.

Shadow Alchemy Investment options

Pay in full


(incl. GST)

Need to break it down? 


6 Monthly payments of

Lifetime access to all materials and scripts
3 day online immersion with a private group chat during this time
Ability to get certified in 12 weeks
A certification upon graduation 
Ongoing support and mentorship

All options include:


12 Monthly payments of


pay in full

5 easy steps:

Download our Curriculum to get a comprehensive overview of the training and FAQ’s

Fill out your application form so we can ensure that this certification is right for you. This application should only take you 5-7 mins. 

Book a call with our team: this is where we can get to know you, answer your questions, and make sure that your expectations are aligned with this certification. We find that this is the best way to make sure you'll be successful throughout this process.

Secure your spot with a deposit

Here’s how to join the Shadow Alchemy Certification in

Receive access to all materials and start your journey towards graduation